
At BM K-clinic, What Symptoms and Diseases are treated?
Symptoms /

코로나바이러스감염증-19 확산에 따른 협조 안내

본원에 내원하시는 모든 분들의 안전을 위해 100% 사전 예약 진료를 시행하고 있습니다.
또한 원내 감염 예방을 위해 마스크 착용하신 분들만 원내 출입을 허용하고 있으니, 적극 협조하여 주시기 바랍니다.

코로나바이러스감염증-19 확산에 따른 협조 안내

본원에 내원하시는 모든 분들의 안전을 위해 100% 사전 예약 진료를 시행하고 있습니다.
또한 원내 감염 예방을 위해 마스크 착용하신 분들만 원내 출입을 허용하고 있으니, 적극 협조하여 주시기 바랍니다.

홈페이지 개편 중입니다.
글자나 사진이 보이지 않거나 링크가 되지 않는 곳이 있을 수 있습니다.
진료 문의는 카카오톡 채널을 통해 문자를 남기시거나, 053-781-7588번으로 전화주세요.

Diabetes Care at the Korean Medicine?

How does internal medicine by K.M.D. treat diabetes?

High blood sugar is a result of inappropriate metabolism.

Diabetes. Blood Sugar Management.

Elevated blood sugar,

a signal sent by our body.

What matters is Glycemic Variability.

Clinic Schedule

July 2024

Laboratory Tests

Drugs of Korean medicine after blood tests.

Modern scientific tools

to the inner side of disease.

BM Story

Latest news from BM

Always put your healthy life first.

BM Instruction Manual

During the first visit,

what should I do?

Peering into IM Clinic

Contributed articles to Akomnews.com

Stories about internal medicine,

which Korean Medicine doctors specialize in.

Patient Testimonials

Precious experiences and stories

of those who visited BM.

독감, 코로나-19

BM에서 진단 후 치료 받으세요.

감염병 진단과 신고.

의료인으로서 이행하는 한의사의 당연한 의무.

Schedule an Appointment

To focus on you.

For the best medical service.

Appointment is required before visiting BM.

Specialist, K.M.D.

A higher level of care.

Your health status.

Consult with an Internist1,2 as K.M.D.

Areas of Care

What BM does best is

to restore your health and happiness.

HF Camp Live Review

The Untact Era.

A wonderful way to maintain a healthy life.

Fill yourself with health today

with the medical staff at BM K-clinic.

BM Patient Approach

Internal medicine by K.M.D.

Internist as K.M.D.

are very competent internal medicine doctors.

Metabolism Modification

The beginning and end of treatment of internal diseases.

Presented by BM,

a fundamental approach to internal medicine diseases.